David Bernabo x Meshwork Press
I’ve joined the hallowed ranks of artists that have collaborated with Meshwork Press on a collection of greetings cards! Below are my three cards, hot off the (letter)press. You can buy them directly from Meshwork Press. They are also at the wonderful East End Food Co-op and will be at many other locations in the coming weeks.
Photographs by Meshwork Press.
Meshwork sent a short Q&A over to me. Here’s a question and an attempt at an answer.
What concepts, ideas, objects inspire your work?
For a number of years, I would tag along on my wife's work trips. Roughly 10 years ago, I found myself in Berkeley, California, staying at a mansion (in the small guest house that was listed on Airbnb), reading Douglas Hofstadter's 2007 book I Am a Strange Loop. A couple hundred pages in, I could only pretend to fully understand the increasingly complex mathematics—I was on vacation, after all—but the book is full of provocative ideas on self-referential systems, paradoxes, and ideas of infinity and identity. Maybe that trip, with a tangent to look at books on Japanese woodblock prints in the UC Berkeley library and a lecture/film screening from Rick Prelinger of Prelinger Archives on Bay Area home movies, linked together these interests of landscape and nature, illustration, and the infinite, or maybe those interests have always been there. Whatever the case, this set of cards is one result from that set of interests.